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Population: 1,626,078 / Mayor Kate Gallegos

Featured Programs

  • The greater Phoenix communities collaboration to build the nation’s largest, most connected, smart region, developing and deploying technology scalable solutions rooted in connectivity, mobility, equity, and sustainability.

  • Building America's first smart region by transforming the Phoenix region into a major hub of smart city technology driven by collaborative civic innovation.

  • CSCR works with local and regional governments to develop capacities to anticipate, design, experiment, iterate, and manage emerging technologies to meet public needs and implement specific actions

  • A network of Innovation Sandboxes across the Region to focus on the researching and testing of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and projects related to smart city, health care, water, energy and other areas.

  • A partnership with the City of Phoenix, Cox Communications, and US Ignite, the Institute for Digital Progress for entrepreneurs, innovators, and makers to join this premier civic app hack competition.

Open Opportunities