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Population: 1,604,555 / Mayor Ada Colau Ballano

Founding Partner

Our vision for a smart city makes Barcelona an open, equitable, circular and democratic city; a benchmark in technology policy for public and citizen leadership.

Featured Programs

  • A transformation program for Barcelona focused on Digital Transformation, Innovation and Empowerment.

  • The Digital Transformation Plan is the roadmap of the projects from the ICT Plan.The aims of this plan are to make the administration more efficient and more capable of serving the increasingly digitized citizens.

  • Platform to integrate data from city sensors, operational databases and external repositories of information from relevant city actors.

  • Open Data BCN is part of the Barcelona Ciutat Digital strategy, fostering a pluralistic digital economy and developing a new model of urban innovation based on the transformation and digital innovation of the public sector and the implication among companies, administrations, the academic world, organizations, communities and people, with a clear public and citizen leadership.

Open Opportunities