The Opti Platform provides communities with the ability to adapt to the challenges of constantly changing weather patterns and make data-driven decisions for improved stormwater management. Opti enables stormwater infrastructure monitoring, enhancement of existing storage assets, and optimization of new development.
Products built on the Opti Platform include OptiCumulus for continuous monitoring and OptiNimbus for intelligent adaptive control. Platform users have access to web dashboards through which they gain visibility and insight into real-time and historical performance of their stormwater infrastructure.
The Opti Platform provides:
Browser-Based Dashboards with access to real-time and historic rainfall event data
Analytics and Reporting tools enabling users to export rainfall event data to preferred reporting tools for analysis and compliance requirements
Real-Time Alerts for operational awareness and maintenance
Products built on the Opti Platform include:
OptiCumulus for real-time continuous monitoring of stormwater infrastructure. OptiCumulus integrates with field-deployed sensors and measurement devices for rapid environmental monitoring and analysis.
OptiNimbus for intelligent adaptive control. OptiNimbus leverages the weather forecast and information from sensors and flow controls in the field to optimize discharge rates from stormwater systems.