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PhoneLiveStreaming automatically calls and connects the elderly, poor & rural to your live stream or alerts with a traditional telephone.
PhoneLiveStreaming provides automated live streaming to traditional telephones, giving accessibility to the elderly, rural, and poor citizens in your online live streaming sessions today. Similar to how you connect and send video to YouTube or Facebook (RTMP), you can send the same signal to PhoneLiveStreaming. We encode the audio and make it available on your dedicated phone number. No more remembering when to call, what phone number to call, or what access code is needed — they simply answer the phone! Callers can subscribe themselves by calling your dedicated phone number, or you can add them in your dashboard. PhoneLiveStreaming's powers annual conferences, B.Y.O.D translation broadcasting, and city and county public council meetings.
PhoneLiveStreaming can use RTMP, DASH, or simply your phone or an MP3 file to broadcast. It sends calls out using the traditional telephone (PSTN) network.

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