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Your go-to database and mapping tool for managing your community's place, whether a city, town, neighborhood or campus.
Ginkgo is a GIS-based CRM solution designed for building resilient cities. Downtown organizations across the US rely on Ginkgo to get a clear picture of their neighborhood's assets, relationships and opportunities. 

Visit ginkgo.city and start doing more for your community with a single map-based platform to centralize all your data and your team's workflows.

Use cases:

Tracking commercial space and showcasing available listings

Centralize data management for your organization's website and online tools

Mapping out restaurant seating areas and public realm installations during the pandemic

Tracking social services in your neighborhood

Running surveys and manage information about your small business community

Centralizing your community's contacts, properties and organization details into a map-based CRM system
  • Cloud-based Software as a Service platform
  • Postgres backend
  • Fully accessible public REST API for access to your community's data from other applications and integrations

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