Smart Insulation for steam trap stations that monitor steam traps and verify insulation energy savings.
When smart insulation is installed on a steam trap station, alerts will notify maintenance teams when that steam trap fails in a closed or open position. Department of Energy studies show that 10% - 20% of steam traps in the USA are failing. Where the loaded MMBTU cost of steam is $ 25.00, failed open traps are loosing $ 10,000 per year
Call today to learn about how you can stop losing money!
The Smart Jacket is an insulation jacket that has a remote-wireless sensor to capture real time temps of the pipe and the insulation. This information is wirelessly transmitted to the cloud and allows the end users the ability to monitor and analyze.
When smart insulation is installed on a steam trap station, alerts will notify maintenance teams when that steam trap fails in a closed or open position. Where the loaded MMBTU cost of steam is $ 25.00, failed traps are losing $10,000 per year!